单词的中文翻译势必会和它英文的本意有一定出入,这是肯定的,在语言学里有个词叫做 lost in translation,也就是两个不同语言之间的翻译势必会掉一些东西。但是因此我们遇到每一个GRE单词都要去查Webster韦氏词典吗?除非你的英语已经好到跟母语差不多,或者说你看一篇英文文献跟看中文一样没差别,否则是完全不推荐的!为什么呢?因为对于大部分考生而言,我们不仅没有足够的时间和精力,也没有这个必要。
第一,韦氏是英文解释,很多时候解释当中的词你也不认识,这怎么办呢?再去查?比如下面这个GRE填空常考词encumber,查了之后解释为to impede or hamper,那你需不需要再去查impede 和hamper的意思呢?那这样背一遍3000词需要花多少时间?
第二,一个单词在 Webster中的意思有很多个,我们应该记哪一个呢?比如简单如render这个词,给了这么多意思,全部都记吗?而你要知道,并不是每一个意思都会考到的…
其实,直接用一个专业APP就可以解决的问题,何必要如此大费周章呢?打开一个专业的GRE记单词软件,比如已经在业内很有名气的GRE3000 APP,其中的单词意思已经是基于海量机经题挑选出来的GRE常考意思,比如render基本上就考 “使成为”。对于绝大部分词来说,打开之后直接记中文就好了,翻译的问题根本没你想象得那么严重,比如encumber这个词翻译成“阻碍”,做机经题的时候就这么去理解完全没有问题。
那有同学估计要问了,“你说的是绝大部分词,那有没有翻译确实跟原意相差比较大的词呢?”确实会有,但是不多。Again, lost in translation,毕竟是两个不同的语言体系,我们只能在中文里面找到一个最接近的单词去翻译那个英文,二者之间并不能完全相等。有些单词中文翻译不出它的正负向,比如doubt和suspect都翻译成“怀疑”,但是I doubt he is a thief = 我不认为他是个小偷;而 I suspect he is a thief = 我怀疑他就是个小偷;
2. 有些词中文翻译太别扭容易把我们带跑偏,比如condescending翻译成“屈尊的”,好多同学以为是“放下自己的尊严”,而其实它是“高人一等的”。但是这样的词很少,完全没有必要为此都去查Webster。你可以做的有以下两点:
1. 背单词的时候,尽可能注意单词的正负向;2. 当背到别扭的、理解不了的翻译的时候,去看下这个单词的英文解释,像GRE3000 app就展示了每一个单词常考意思的英文解释。
至于一边做题一边背单词的方法,可是可以,但是最好再搭上系统化的刷词。为什么呢?因为太慢了。只靠做题来积累的话,个人的工作量比较大,且你需要刷完所有的机经题,才能涵盖到所有的3000填空词。而很多同学可能考前都刷不完也不需要刷完所有的机经题——比如你的目标分是155,你就不需要做太多d hard题,因为你进入median section就可以拿到155.
所以最好的办法,是两个方法结合起来:一边拿APP系统刷词,一边在题目语境中积累生词。题目中遇到的生词、错词也可以直接在3000 APP里查,查完之后添加“错题本”,免得自己一个一个查一个一个敲,把时间浪费在这些细枝末节上。另外,考满分的GRE3000 APP 还贴心地把每个单词所在的机经题都展示出来了,所以有需要也可以直接在APP里查看题目。
至于其他辅助记忆的背词方法,比如词根、词缀记忆法、谐音、联想记忆法,以及通过遗忘曲线去复习等等,大家都讨论得很多,在此就不一一赘述了。而这些方法,其实一个APP也已经全部涵盖掉了,比如GRE 3000 APP就会按照遗忘曲线来提醒你复习,每个单词页面也会配上词根和词缀等记忆方法~
最后,如果感觉一个人刷词太痛苦,或者坚持不下来,大家要记得充分利用资源啊!给大家推荐一个诚心满满的免费福利 (免费!免费!免费!重要事情说三遍)——GRE3000核心词训练营。在GRE3000 APP里面可以直接参加报名,10天拿下3000核心词,有人帮你监督打卡,有人给你单词测试,还可以跟其他G友一起互相PK——全部免费,何乐而不为?跟一群人一起痛苦,总好过一个人独自痛苦,哈哈哈哈哈
transient: 短暂的, Remaining in a place only a brief time
1) passing swiftly in and out of existence, lasting or staying only a short time
2) fleeting; passing quickly; brief
相近词汇:ephemeral, fleeting, temporary, transitory
transient <> persistent, protracted
transient <> lasting, enduring, eternal, permanent, rooted
Though they seem long, the days of summer are transient, and before you know it, winter has come again.
vanish : transient = perpetuate : constant
transience : impermanent = convenience : opportune 同义关系
transience:ephemeral=perpetually:permanent 同义关系
transience:ephemeral=complexity:convoluted 同义关系
transient:evanescence=convoluted:complexity 同义关系
transient:vanish=constant:perpetuate 短暂的容易消失=恒定的容易持久 正面特征
transience <> permanence
quiescent: 不活动的; motionless; Being quiet, still, or at rest; inactive
1) at rest, latent; inactive; dormant torpid
2) not active or activated
Synonyms: dormant, inactive, motionless, quiet, still, latent
Many animals are quiescent over the winter months, minimizing activity in order to conserve energy.
My mind is hardly quiescent in sleep: my dreams are busy, sometimes even panicked.
Everyone deserves a day off and should remain quiescent on Sundays.
The Bible says that the Lord created the Earth in six days and on the seventh He was quiescent.
quiescence: state of rest or inactivity
tortuous: 迂回曲折的; not straightforward; winding or twisting
1) not straightforward
2) highly involved or intricate; very twisted; complicated;
3) having or marked by repeated turns or bends; winding or twisting;
4) repeatedly curving in alternate directions
5) having many twists or turns; characterized by indirect methods
6) full of twists and turns; not straight forward; possibly deceitful
7) twisted; excessively complicated
8) winding; twisting; excessively complicated
tortuous ----- complicate; twisty
tortuous ------having many twists and turns, highly complex
tortuous ------ winding; full of curves
tortuous ------ winding; twisting; excessively complicated
tortuous (adj) ---- tortuous tornado. Winding, twisting, complicated.
tortuous devious/not straightforward
Syn: circuitous, crooked, winding; convoluted, devious
tortuous <> straightforward, direct, forthright
tortuousness : straightforwardness
labyrinth : tortuous
We made our way back and forth up the tortuous path through the woods. Ldnw
The suspect confessed after becoming confused by the tortuous questioning of the captain.
Despite public complaints, tax laws and forms have become increasingly tortuous
tortuousness : straightforwardness = inept : competence
labyrinth : tortuous = ornament : decorative 迷宫:曲折的=装饰:装饰的
discommode: 打扰; to put to inconvenience; trouble
discommode <> assist
discommode ◇ assist 使不便◇帮助, 辅助
discommode ↔ oblige 使不方便 ↔施恩惠
discommode 使不方便to put to inconvenience; trouble
discommode [dìskəmóud] v. 给…添麻烦,烦扰,打扰;使为难;使感不便;惹恼:
: to cause inconvenience to; trouble
discommode ↔ aid, assist, help, ease, oblige, inspire, pacify, soothe,
12. discommode:使为难,使不方便-----assist/pacificate 安抚/ease 使安心
discommode<->(unite with...) 忘了还有哪几个选项了,这道我好像做错了。
discommode<>oblige /DISCOMMODE assist, ease, help, oblige, pacify, aid
336 discommode vt.使不方便, 使为难, 使不自由
vt.使不方便, 使为难, 使不自由