pen有笔,笔尖,笔法,文笔,作家,围栏的意思。那你们想知道pen的用法 吗?今天小编给大家带来了pen的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。
n. 笔,笔尖,笔法,文笔,作家,围栏
vt. 写,把…关入栏中,关押,囚禁
变形:过去式: penned; 现在分词:penning; 过去分词:penned;
pen用作可数名词的基本意思是“笔”,泛指一种书写工具,多指钢笔,尤指用墨水写的笔。也可指“笔杆”“笔尖”,引申还可指“写作”“笔调”“笔法”,尤指“职业性的写作”。the pen有时可指“作品”或“作家”。
pen前加介词in或with指具体的书写工具, pen前加介词by指抽象的书写方式、方法。
The pen slips out of my fingers.钢笔从我指缝中滑下去了。
Put down my pen and stop fiddling!把我的钢笔放下,别用手玩弄!
He dipped his pen in the ink.他拿钢笔蘸墨水。
She penned a few words of thanks.她写了几句致谢的话。
pen词组 | 习惯用语
pen and ink 笔墨;钢笔画;写作
put pen to paper 开始写;落笔
pen pal 笔友(等于pen friend)
ball pen 圆珠笔
fountain pen n. 钢笔
ball-point pen n. 圆珠笔
pen name 笔名;[俚]囚犯的号码
pen friend 笔友;通信朋友
ballpoint pen n. 原子笔,圆珠笔
pen holder 钢笔杆;笔座
light pen 光笔(等于light pencil)
pen tool 钢笔工具
brush pen n. 毛笔
pen point 笔尖
gel pen 中性笔
marker pen 标记笔
1.The trademark of the pen was changed.这钢笔的商标改了。
2.Your pen is the same as mine.你的钢笔和我的一样。
3.There are two pens on the desk.桌子上有两支钢笔。
4.I penned a few lines to him.我略写几行给他。
5.The words flowed unbidden from my pen.这些字句从我的笔端滚滚流出。
6.Jack filched a pen from his friend’s pocket.杰克从朋友的口袋里偷走了一支钢笔。
7.My mother bought a novelty pen for me.我妈给我买了一支新颖的笔。
8.This is the pen whose point is broken.这就是笔尖断了的那枝笔。
9.I penned a few words to father today.今天我给父亲写了一封短信。
10.A ballpoint pen is adequate for most ordinary purposes.原珠笔适合最普通的用途。
11.I changed the ink cartridges in my ballpoint pen.我换了圆珠笔里的墨水芯。
12.The intrinsic worth of the pen is 30 yuan.这支钢笔本身价值是30元。
13.She feels penned by her life as a housewife.她觉得做家庭主妇很受束缚。
14.When we write, we always use pens or pencils.我们写字总是用钢笔或者铅笔。
15.We include a refill with every ballpointed pen we sell.我们出售的每支圆珠笔都带有一个备用笔芯。
16.Most politicians get poison pen letters, sometimes threatening their lives.多数政界人士都收到过匿名诽谤信,有些还威胁要杀害他们。
17.This is my pen, and yours is on the table.这是我的钢笔, 你的在桌子上。
18.We have a lot of pens, but we're shy on ink.我们有许多钢笔, 但墨水不够。
19.When you buy new pens, get one with a sharper point.买新钢笔时要买尖儿比较尖的。
20.George is clever with his pen.乔治善于写文章。
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