mosquito有蚊子的意思。那你们想知道mosquito的用法吗?今天小编给大家带来了mosquito的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。
n. 蚊子
表示成群的蚊子时,可用a swarm of mosquitoes。
The mosquito is the disgusting thing.蚊子是讨厌的东西。
Mosquitoes like to suck the blood of people and animals.蚊子喜好吸人和动物的血。
The mosquito is a transmitter of disease.蚊子能传播疾病。
1.There’re mosquito repellents available in the shops.在商店可以买到驱蚊剂。
2.I was being eaten alive by mosquitoes.我快被蚊子咬死了。
3.He swatted the mosquito with a newspaper.他用报纸打蚊子。
4.I slapped at the mosquito but missed.我打蚊子, 但没打中。
5.We were plagued by the ubiquitous mosquito.我们被无处不在的蚊子所困扰。
6.She made a swipe at the mosquito.她挥臂打蚊子。
7.In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes.在沼泽地里, 我们受到蚊子的围攻。
8.A swarm of mosquitoes fly into the room.成群的蚊子飞进房间。
9.Mosquitoes are extremely abundant in this dark wet place.这个阴暗潮湿的地方蚊子非常多。
10.In the swamp the army was beset by mosquitoes.在沼泽地, 该军受到蚊子的困扰。
11.We have screened our window to keep out mosquitoes.我们窗子装上纱窗以避蚊子。
12.The mosquitoes were coming in clouds.蚊子一大群一大群地飞来。
13.The invention relates to a flyflap used for killing mosquito, flies, moths, etc.本发明涉及一种捕灭蚊子、苍蝇、蛾子等飞虫的蝇拍。
14.In summer, they usually burn some coil incense to keep away the mosquitoes.夏天他们通常点香驱蚊。
15.Some exceptions are gene unscrambling in ciliates (4) and the bursicon gene in mosquitoes (5).而纤毛虫和蚊子的粘液素基因所表现出的基因整合则是一些例外。
16.Mosquito bites itch.蚊叮处发痒。
17.Mosquitoes carry disease.蚊子会传播疾病。
18.The mosquitoes are biting me.蚊子叮我。
19.Mosquitoes are carriers of disease.蚊子是疾病的传播媒介。
20.The mosquitoes swarmed about us.蚊虫成群地环绕着我们飞。
幼儿英语故事:The Mosquito and the Lion
A mosquito went up to a lion and said, “Everyone says you are the strongest animal in the world.”
“That’s right,” said the lion. “I am big and strong, and I have sharp teeth.”
“Well, I’m not afraid of you,” said the mosquito. “I am going to fight you, and I am going to win!”
“You could never win,” laughed the lion. “I am a thousand times stronger than you.”
“Here I come!” cried the mosquito, and he flew toward the lion’s face.
The mosquito landed on the lion's nose and bit him again and again. The lion tried to sink his teeth into the mosquito, but the mosquito was too small.
"I give up!" said the lion. "Please don't bite me anymore."
"I won!" shouted the mosquito as he flew away. But he didn't look where he was going and he became trapped in a spider's web.
"How strange," thought the mosquito. "I defeated a lion, but a tiny spider can defeat me."
★ 动物名称
