GRE填空备考必看基础知识科普, 这7个常识想拿高分不可不知,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
GRE填空备考必看基础知识科普 这7个常识想拿高分不可不知
GRE verbal部分旨在为研究生院有效遴选学术阅读经验丰富,擅于思辨和推理的候选人,同时减少短期培训对GRE成绩可信度的干扰。总的来说,新GRE更加强调考生的英文阅读功底和用英文进行分析推理的能力,这也与研究生教育的内在要求吻合。不过,这恰恰是很多中国考生的弱项。
小站教育特此为备考GRE的同学准备了GRE verbal填空中,不可不知的7个实情:
1. 在GRE verbal每个section当中,填空题占了约三分之一左右。和中国学生感觉头疼的阅读部分比起来,填空是一个相对容易在短时间内提高成绩的部分。对于只想考个合格的分数的学生来说,做对其中80%的题就可以了。
2. 每个section的填空正确率想要稳定在80%左右,词汇是基础,记住GRE词汇书上的百分之八、九十的词汇之前,谈正确率是没有意义的。
3. 解题技巧多少有些帮助,但不能指望阅读能力奇差的人单凭前人总结的经验技巧就能考到一个够用的分数。
4. 如果想要每个section的正确率总是稳定在90%以上,那需要你的实力(这需要很好的阅读理解能力和清晰的逻辑头脑)而不是什么技巧。考个够用的分数还有些技巧,考高分一般说来是没什么技巧的。
5. GRE填空题是GREgeneral test的一部分。general test是对所有不同专业的学生进行的考试,所以为了公平起见,解题点上不能涉及任何背景知识(尽管在句子内容上涉及了大量唬人的背景知识)。因为GRE填空属于语文考试,所以不管填空句的内容涉及到的是什么,在考试中你需要的仅仅是语文知识而已。
6. 先大致地分析推理,猜出应该填什么词(或仅仅猜出应该填什么样的词)之后再看选项,不要直接把选项带入读。这样做通常能够躲掉干扰选项的误导。因为大部分的干扰选项具有这样的特征:你看到它之前很难想到它,但是一旦你看到它,就觉得它好像也很对。
7. 先读句子的主干结构是良好的解题习惯。(虽然解题并不一定要读出句子的主干。)
1. Traditional Chinese culture opposed music performed solely for entertainment; accordingly, China’s musical entertainers were, in the past, ______ a low social status.
A. exempt from B. relegated to C. privy to D. honored with E.scornful of
2. Although the diverse local idioms of English in England are not as strong as they once were, their ______ has been ______: television and radio are not the homogenizing forces that they were once thought to be.
A. variety … diminished B. importance … exaggerated C. colorfulness … muted
D. meaning … misconstrued E.resilience … underrated
3. Some suggest that students who are granted privileges receive them because their teachers wish to make the students______; more probably, causality flows in the opposite direction, in that teachers are likely to grant privileges to diligent students.
A. excitable B. independent C. malleable D. grateful E.conscientious
4. This writer of fiction believed that the novelist should not ______ the narrative, and that such inconspicuousness on the part of the author would preserve the illusion of reality.
A. preconceive B. minimize C. hasten D. agonize over E. obtrude into
[解析]:分号前面对music performed solely for entertainment持负评价,in the past可以看作Traditional Chinese culture的同义重复,所以分号后面的China’s musical entertainers也应该是负评价ABE。E是主动状态,显然不对,应该是他们被蔑视才对。再推敲一下AB马上可以发现A不是很低的社会地位,显然不是我们想要的负评价状态,所以只能选B。
[解析]:转折前对diverse local idioms of English进行负评价,转折后就应该是正评价,转折后马上出现的their表明第一空格无论填什么一定是the diverse local idioms的上下义同义表达,所以第一空不重要,只要第二空是正评价即可。能够确定表示正评价的只有E。虽然翻译起来实在别扭的说。
[解析]:分号表示同义重复,后面说到因果倒过来的话,老师给勤奋的学生特权,那前面不倒过来,就应该是老师给学生特权使学生勤奋。所以空格填diligent的同义词。能够与diligent构成同义表达的最接近的词汇是E。此题词汇较难,参考美国传统字典对conscientious的解释:thorough and assiduous,而assiduous与diligent是直接同义词。
[解析]:and表示同义重复,后面的such表明inconspicuousness与空格是同义重复,哪个动作有不显眼的意思?好像没有特别合适的!那再看后面inconspicuousness会preserve the illusion of reality,显然reality同义重复前面的narrative,那么也就是说空格这个词汇既要有inconspicuousness的意思,最好也有导致illusion的意思,那就只有E了。
此题其实是2002年2月机考GRE考题机经第37题,另一种考法是空格在inconspicuousness处,选项中填这个词,题干与本题一模一样,obtrude into没有挖去而已。
1. Since one of Professor Roche's oft-repeated adages was that familiarity leads to ___, his students were quite surprised to find him so ___Return of the Native, a novel he had taught for over 30 years.
A love...enthusiastic over B contempt...disdainful of C knowledge...conversant with
D boredom...excited by E admiration...confused by
2. Reason was once believed to be ___ human, but lately this assumption of intellectual superiority has come under increasingly skeptical scrutiny: most researchers now at least ___ the notion that some animals can think.
A logically…ridicule B unique…entertain C scarcely…embrace
D quintessentially…balk at E peculiarly…scoff at
3. Powerful as they are, the ___ songs the artist is best known for might sting more and have even greater emotional complexity if one felt that his criticisms were aimed at himself as well as at his unnamed foes.
A accusatory B altruistic C mournful D simplistic E humble
1. 句中的Return of the Native由其后同位结构(一本他讲了三十多年的小说)可推论其即意味着familiarity,因而学生所感到惊讶的内容(即空格2)应和familiarity会带来的内容(即空格1)形成反义,因而排除ABC(均为同义);而E选项的admiration和confused并不构成反义;而D选项的boredom和excited可构成反义(厌倦与兴奋)。答案:D
翻译:由于罗希教授(Professor Roche)常挂在嘴边的格言之一就是熟悉会带来厌倦,因而他的学生当发现他对《本土人的回归》这一他已讲了三十多年的小说仍会兴奋时倍感惊讶。
2. 句中有两层关系,首先,由but后内容(人类的智力优越性愈来愈受到怀疑和审视)推论出前句内容应为推理被认为是人类的能力,因而空格1应表肯定,由此可排除C(scarcely表否定);其次,从冒号所起的解释作用可推论出大多数研究人员应支持动物能够思考观点,因而空格2应表肯定,由此可排除ADE(选项2均表否定)。答案:B
3. 空格内容修饰歌曲,而由从句中his即指代主句中the artist可推论歌曲即意味着criticisms(批评),因而空格内容应和此一致,即选择A(责问的,控诉的)答案:A
4. In her love the sea is ___ symbol: to the narrator it clearly represents everything that is destructive in nature, but at other times it seems to stand for everything in nature that is serenely beautiful.
A an enduring B an ambiguous C a coherent D an obtrusive E a discrete
5. Despite their extensive efforts to determine the mode of oil ___, scientists still have not ___ the process by which oil is produced.
A dispersion…excluded B synthesis…rejected C creation…investigated
D recovery…condoned E genesis…established
6. Compared with their parties, politicians are ___:they are considerably less enduring than the organizations in which they function.
A ubiquitous B autonomous C fickle D immutable E transitory
4. 冒号后内容对其前内容起解释作用,可由冒号后内容(或毁灭;或平静)推论空格内容应意指不清或矛盾,因而正确选项为B。答案:B
5. 句中their所指即为scientists,由despite和still not可推论出空格2内容应与determine同表肯定,因而可排除AB,而CD中选项2与文意不符,E即为正确选项。答案:E
fickle: marked by lack of steadfastness,constancy, or stability, given to erratic changeableness《W》
characterized by erratic changeableness or instability, especially with regard to affections or attachments; capricious《American Heritage》
transitory: ①tending to pass away : not persistent ②of brief duration : temporary《Webster》
existing or lasting only a short time; short-lived or temporary《American Heritage》
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