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halcyon: 宁静的; calm and peaceful; tranquil; happy

1) idyllically calm and peaceful those were halcyon days

2) calm and peaceful; happy; golden; prosperous 

Synonyms: soothing, tranquil

halcyon <> stormy, tempestuous

1. The old man fondly remembered his halcyon days growing up on the farm.

2. I love the halcyon days of mid-August, while we are still on vacation and before the mad rush of preparations for school begins.

【考法1】adj. 宁静的,平静的: free from storms or physical disturbance

【近】 hushed, peaceful, placid, serene, tranquil, untroubled

【反】 tempestuous, stormy, agitated, inclement, restless, rough, turbulent, unquiet, unsettled 暴风雨的,暴躁的

【考法2】adj. 繁荣的,丰富的: prosperous, affluent, vigorous growth and well-being especially economically

【例】 halcyon years 丰年

【近】 booming, flourishing, lush, palmy, prospering, roaring, thriving

【反】 miserable, depressed, unprosperous 萧条的,少得可怜的


1) promptness in response : cheerful readiness

2) cheerful willingness; eagerness; eager and enthusiastic willingness

3) speed or quickness; celerity.

4) eager and cheerful readiness

5) (n.) eager readiness or speed

6) liveliness

alacrity <> sluggishness, hesitance, reluctance

He replied to the invitation with alacrity; he was eager for the opportunity to travel to Puerto Rico.

Synonyms: liveliness, promptness, willingness c

【考法1】 n. 反应迅速,乐意: promptness in response : cheerful readiness

【例】 accepted the invitation with alacrity 欣喜地接受了邀请

【近】 amenability, gameness, obligingness, willingness

【反】 dilatoriness, hesitance and reluctance 拖延,犹豫和不情愿

The manager was so impressed by the worker's alacrity; he suggested a promotion.

On the first day of her new job, the recent college graduate was able to leave early after completing all of her tasks with alacrity.

alacrity ------ liveliness and eagerness

alacrity ------ cheerful promptness without reluctance

alacrity ----- eager and enthusiastic willingness

alacrity ------cheerful willingness; eagerness; speed

alacrity ------ cheerful promptness; eagerness

Alacrity ---- (n) Promptness, cheerful readiness.

alacrity a cheerful readiness; brisk and eager action

Alacrity ----- N. eager & enthusiastic willingness

alacrity ----- liveliness; willingness; eagerness

Alacrity ----- speed or quickness

Alacrity ----- speed or quickness

.lacrity - Eager to say "at last in the city!"

alacrity (n) ---- at last in the city, I will do ANYTHING!! Eager and enthusiastic willingness.

alacrity ------Someone with alacrity shows cheerful willingness and eager behavior, like a kid whose mother has told him he can buy anything in a candy store. While the noun alacrity normally refers to someone's peppy behavior, it can also describe a certain mood or tempo of a musical composition, indicating how the music should be played. Alacrity comes from the Latin alacritas, and the Italian musical term allegro is a near relation.

noun - Cheerful willingness; eagerness.

noun - Speed or quickness; celerity.

synonym - haste, enthusiasm, celerity, avidity, willingness, sprightliness, swiftness, promptness, quickness, briskness


attenuate:减弱;reduced especially in thickness, density, or force;to make thin

1)to make thin or weak

2)to thin out;to weaken

3)make thin, weaken, enervate

attenuate <> intensify, strengthen, make thicker

Synonyms:debilitate, lessen, weaken








attenuated <> dense

UNMITIGATED <> attenuated

Her enthusiasm was attenuated by the length of the event;she did not like to be kept awake so late.

Water is commonly used to attenuate strong chemicals.

The chemist attenuated the solution by adding water


flout:轻视;to treat with contemptuous disregard

1)to neglect or treat with scorn

2)to mock or jeer

3)to demonstrate contempt for, as in a rule or convention

Synonyms: distain, disregard, insult


Do not flout an opponent if you believe in fair play.

She showed her disrespect for her teachers by flouting their rules.

【考法 1】n./v.嘲弄性不理会,蔑视: to treat with contemptuous disregard

【例】 flout the academic norm by plagiarizing 通过抄袭来蔑视学术规范

【近】 despise, disregard, gibe, sneer, taunt

【反】 respect, revere, venerate 尊敬

=taunt:challenge 轻视:忽视=嘲弄:蔑视