1. 比喻:有比喻可以直译,有则不能,这往往取决于汉语表达习惯。例如:
At the door to the restaurant, a stunning, porcelain-faced woman in traditional costume asked me to remove my shoes. 如 果 把 a stunning ,porcelain-faced woman 译作"一位迷人陶瓷般脸蛋妇女"就显得粗俗滑稽,但是不是作者本意。这时意译就比较好。"在通往餐厅门口有一位妇女,涂脂抹粉、细皮嫩肉、身着和服、十分迷人,她叫我脱下鞋子。"
The girl is a dead shot.
After the failure of his last novel, his reputation stands on slippery grounds.
2. 有些借喻不能直译
He went west by stage coach and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever in Nevada''s Washoe Region.
The rather arresting spectacle of little o ld Japan adrift amid beig e concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the min iskirt.
3. 引典。如果是尽人皆知典故。可以直译,不必加说明,如果多数人不知道,最好是意译, 或者直译加注释。
He met his Waterloo.
句中 meet one's Waterloo 是成语典故,由拿破仑在Waterloo 遇到惨败而来,所以要意译。"他吃了大败仗"。
I asked whether for him, the arch anti-communist ,this was not bowing down in the House of Rimmon.
句中 bowing down in the House of Rimmon 是成语典故,表示"表面上与宗教信仰一致,但心里却有不同政治主张",这是口是心非。Rimmon 是大马士革人所崇拜的神。House of Rimmon 借指英国下院。如果将这个典故直译,表达不出原意。"我问道,作为头号人物(邱吉尔),他这样做是否言行不一。
英语中有丰富的习语成语,增强了语言表达能力。其中大部分可以直译,或用汉语中相应的习语套用。例如:the open door policy 开放政策,the cold war 冷战,to fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼,strike while the iron is hot 趁热打铁,at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟。但是还有一些习语成语必须意译才能表达出其正确含义。
She was born with a siver spoon in her mouth.
You''re talking through your head again.
You should keep your nose out of here.
Good to begin well, better to end well.
He is the last person for such a job.
Every life has its roses and thorns.
The wedding, which Heyward still remembered with pride,was attended by a who''s who of Boston Society.
They provide a means by which wealthy people and corporations can in effect decide how their tax payments will be spent.
But the most skeptical Gates of the new millennium is someone who evinces a passion for giving and government aid.
Now, the debate has shifted away from the ethics of baby-making and toward the morality of cloning embryos for their cells and tissues, which might be used to treat diseases.
But such self-interest is hardly enlightened.
The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students and the fiscal solvency of the univers ity.
Collectively, the Asian Countries will have a larger economy than the rest of the world put together.
From a small beginning at the turn of the century ……
Inside these nations there will be mass prosperity, but with a large minority in serious poverty, and a small number who are very rich.
The major feature of project money, whether its source is government or business, is that it is given on a contractual basis, a different contract for each project, so that the investigator’s independence rests upon his capacity to secure a succession of contracts.
The resulting patchwork of laws, people on all sides of the issue say, complicates a nationwide picture already clouded by scientific and ethnical questions over whether and how to restrict cloning or to ban it altogether.
A law that goes into effect on Jan.1 allows computer users in the state to refuse unwanted solicitations en masse and sue spammers who violate their wishers for as much as $1 million.
1 月 1 日,加州通过一条法律,使得计算机用户有权拒收垃圾邮件,并对邮件发送者提出诉讼,要求最高达一百万美元的赔偿。
1. 部分否定句型,这种句型不同于汉语思维形式。
I do not know all of them.
正:对他们我不是个个都认识。All the answers are not right. 误:所有答案都不对。
正:答案并非全对。Everybody wouldn''t like it. 误:每个人都不会喜欢它。
2. 单一否定中部分句型
It is a long lane that had no turning.
It is a wise man that never makes mistakes.
We cannot estimate the value of modern science too much.
It was not until years afterwards that he heard of Semmelweis.
误:没过几年他就听到了 Semmelweis 消息。
正:直到数年之后,他才听到 Semmelweis 消息。
1. 凤姐 笑道(1):“老太太别高兴,且算一算帐再揽事……”
2. 贾母 笑道(2):“依你怎么样呢?”
3. 凤姐又 笑道(3):“我还有一句话呢……”
4. 凤姐 笑道(4):“老祖宗只把他哥儿交给两位太太,一位占一个罢,派每位替出一分就是了。”
5. 贾母因问平儿:“你难道不替你主人做生日?还入在这里头?”平儿笑道(5):“我那个私自另外的有了,这是公中的,也该出一分。”贾母 笑道(6):“这才是好孩子。”
6. 凤姐又 笑道(7):“上下都全了;还有二位姨奶奶,他出不出,也问一声……”
7. 凤姐也悄悄地 笑道(8):“你少胡说!一会子离了这里,我才和你算帐!……”
8. 尤氏 笑道(9):“你这么个阿物儿,也忒行了大运了……你怎么谢我?”凤姐笑道(10):
(1) warn with a chuckle (给“老祖宗”提醒,当然要笑着说了)
(2) ask (是“征求人家的意见”了)
(3) continue (“笑面虎”接着说……)
(4) urge (“只用……就行了”,这是催促的了。)
(5) reply (丫头回主母的话,当然要“笑嘻嘻地”了)
(6) approve (这个丫头很懂事,主子满意,就“赞许的”笑了)
(7) remark (大观园实际的“一把手”发话,总要作出和气的样子的,“笑着说……”)
(8) counter (“笑面虎”,果然是一等一的高手,心里不悦,脸上还笑着,“回去在算帐!”)
(9) tease (是尤氏与“姐姐”开玩笑了)
(10) chuckle (咯咯的笑声,大概是凤姐最知名的特点了罢) 。
10 个“笑”,竟然没有用到一个 smile,或者 laugh。翻译用词的多样性可见一斑。
①A Dream of the Red Mansions won the attention and love of a wide reading public soon after it was brought into the world, first in northern China and then in the south. ②For a time, the novel was on the lips of everyone and many adaptations, either in the form of a talking and singing opera of other dramatic forms, were put on the stage. ③Furthermore, many experts have emerged in China who make a career of studying this novel and are dubbed “Red Mansion experts”. ④The book has also gained influence worldwide. ⑤Having been translated into many foreign languages such as English, French, Japanese, Russian and German, it has been introduced to and accepted by people in various parts of the world. In countries like the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan there have also emerged “Red Mansion experts”. Indeed, there is every reason to say that A Dream of the Red Mansions is a masterpiece in the treasure house of world literature.
本段介绍《红楼梦》在国内外的传播与影响。为使段意集中、凝练,译文分别用 A Dream of the Red Mansions(句①),the novel(句②),The book(句④),it(句⑤)所指相同、形式不同的词作主语,与原语中反复出现的主题词“红楼梦”相吻合。同样,译文述说的《红楼梦》的传播与影响,先国内后国外,最后采用 that 分句,即 A Dream of the Red Mansions is a masterpiece in the treasure house of world literature,几乎逐词译出,而其中主题词 A Dream of the Red Mansions 又与段首词遥相呼应。