Some people say university students should pay for their tuition fees. Some others say the government should pay for the tuition fees. What is your opinion?
类别|难度:教育 / 政府
注意有限定词:university students大学生
1. 让贫穷家庭的孩子也可以读书
2. 让学生可以把更多的精力放在学习上
3. 政府付学费可以鼓励人们读大学,提升整体素质
1. 财政负担较大
2. 这一举措可能会导致大学生人数激增,给有限的教育资源带来负担
3. 学生可能会因为免学费并不好好珍惜读书的机会
One of the highly debatable issues today relates to whether college tuition costs should be funded by the Government, or should individual pupils finance their higher education. I strongly disagree with the idea of providing tertiary education at no cost. In this essay, I am going to shed some light on this topic and then give my opinion on the matter.
First and foremost, from a social viewpoint, free education promotes equality between the rich and the poor. Pragmatically, everyone should have an equal opportunity to study despite his or her wealth. With a university degree, poorer students are able to obtain better employment upon graduation. In this sense, university education can be seen as a precursor to improving the quality of life. Moreover, without equal opportunity for college, people are not only discriminated by the level of income but also separated by the level of intelligence.
Secondly, there are many benefits of an educated workforce. From the financial perspective, a university graduate earns higher wages than those who did not go to college. With better wages, people are able to pay higher taxes. Initially, it may seem counter-intuitive for the government to provide free university education for all; nevertheless, the government could actually collect a higher amount of tax revenue in the long-term.
Finally, although I acknowledge that allowing university students to study for free has many advantages, such a statement is simply not feasible. It is unrealistic for governments, especially those in developing countries to pay tuition fees for all enrolling students.
To conclude, I believe countries who can afford such a policy should strongly embrace it. However, it is unlikely that all countries could afford such a pragmatic move.
Some believe elderly people should live in nursing homes, others think they should live with their family members. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
类别|难度:家庭 | 生活类
特别提示:nursing homes 是养老院,有些同学可能会因为不认识该词而出现审题错误
1. 有很多养老院会虐待老人
2. 可以让老人和家人在一起, 心情更开心
3. 家是老人熟悉的环境,会更有安全感等等
1. 养老院有更专业的设施和人员
2. 对于一些突发情况(例如:老人夜里生病),养老院更有经验,也有更好的应对方案和措施
3. 养老院有更多的同龄人
There is no doubt that older people have to counter many health issues and other problems. Therefore, they need a full time caretaker. For this reason, some people opine that it is beneficial for elderly people to spend the last phase of their life in nursing homes; however, others think that they should stay with their family members. In my opinion, older people should live in nursing homes as they have experienced and specialized staff that can efficiently take care of them.
On the one hand, some people are of the view that during old age a person ought to live in nursing homes and I agree with them. Firstly, health of an elderly person continuously deteriorates; thus, it is important that they are surrounded by medical experts. Secondly, these nursing homes are designed in such a way that they are safer for the elderly. They also use the latest technologies and innovations to make the life of elderly people comfortable and convenient. For instance, nursing homes are well equipped with lifts, computerized wheel chairs and escalators to name a few.
On the other hand, there are many people who argue that seniors should be able to live with their family members in their home. There are certainly some benefits to this arrangement. To start with, elders are happier in the company of their children and grandchildren. They feel loved and cherished when they get to live with their near and dear ones. However, there is a serious problem with this arrangement. Often times, youngsters are too busy to take care of their ageing parents. They spend long hours at the workplace leaving their sick or old parents alone at home. Consequently, the elderly often have to battle depression and loneliness. Also, if they are alone at home, they may not get immediate care and attention in a medical emergency.
In conclusion, the elderly should live in nursing homes as they receive proper care and attention there. Moreover, in the nursing home, their health is regularly monitored by nurses and doctors whereas at home family members are often too busy to devote time to their needs.
The internet has brought about many changes into our day to day life. Nowadays we are doing things such as mailing, contacting, banking and communication much faster. Do these developments have more advantages than disadvantages?
类别 | 难度:科技| 互联网 | 现代化
- 互联网对孩子的学习是好处还是坏处多
- 在线教育是不是可以替代学校
- 电脑可以替代老师吗?
- 互联网对工作的影响(注意限定:工作)
- SOHO办公出现的原因
1. 使人们的沟通更方便
2. 促进全球化,对于经济和文化沟通都有好处
3. 使人们获取信息更方便
4. 网购更便宜,更省力
1. 很多人会沉迷网络,影响生活工作/学习
2. 网络会传播/扩大一些不好的信息(色情,暴力等)
3. 人们沉迷手机,反而忽视了身边人,可能会影响家人/朋友的感情
The internet has transformed people’s lives. It has changed the way we communicate with each other, transact business and access information. Although the internet has both positive and negative aspects, I believe that its merits outweigh its demerits.
To begin with, thanks to the internet, people can now contact their friends, family and colleagues faster and more efficiently than in the past. Most people have an internet connection on their mobile or computer and as a result, they can always stay connected with their near and dear ones. For example, social networking applications like WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter allow people to chat and share videos and other important information. Similarly, through facilities like video conferencing and webinars people from different parts of the world can now participate in online conferences which eliminate the need to travel to other countries and cities for attending such programmes.
Additionally, online shopping and banking have saved people a great deal of time and effort. People today can sit at home and buy their grocery, books or household appliances from online sites such as Amazon or eBay and their stuff will be delivered at home. Moreover, transferring and withdrawing money has become very easy today with online facilities offered by most banks.
On the other hand, a great deal of offensive and obscene content is available on the web and children to have easy access to them. Many antisocial elements and terrorist groups like ISIS recruit youngsters through the internet. Internet addiction is another problem. Many people are now addicted to the internet and wasting their time. This can affect their career and relationships.
In conclusion, the internet has greatly benefited people in different ways. Although it has some negative aspects it can be handled efficiently by implementing proper laws and regulations and through parental supervision.
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