《What's Your favorite food》教案素材

《What's Your favorite food》教案素材
一个好的教学设计是一节课成败的关键,要根据不同的课题进行灵活的教学设计。首先对每一个课题的教学内容要有一个整体的把握。下面就是小编给大家带来的《What's Your favorite food》教案,希望能帮助到大家!
《What's Your favorite food》教案(一)
3、能够在情景中运用句型What would you like to eat / drink ? I’d like…询问并回答自己想吃什么、喝什么。
4、能够在语境中理解新单词sandwich, drink和thirsty的意思,并能正确发音。
2、能够在情景中运用句型What would you like to eat / drink ? I’d like…询问并回答自己想吃什么、喝什么.
Step 1 Greetings and Warming up
T:What would you like to eat ?
S: I’d like …
Step 2 Presentation
(1.) T:It’s 12 O’clock now. I am hungry((教师做出饥饿的表情).Let’s go to my kitchen. I have a lot of food and drink! What can you seein my kitchen? 教授句型并让学生表达:I am hungry. I’d like ________.
(2.)T:Now I’mthirsty. I’d like some tea. What would you like todrink? (教师做出喝水动作帮助学生理解thirsty和drink)
教授句型并让学生表达:I’m thirsty. I’d like ________.
T:Sarah is hungry(教师做出饥饿的表情).What would she like to eat ?
Now , let’s listen tothe tape.
3、Play Let’s try. Students finish the sentence.
填空:She would like some ____ and ____.
4、T:Sarah’s father is hungry and thirsty. What would he like to eat and drink?Now,let’s listen to the tape.
(1.)What would Sarah’s father like to eat ?
(2.) What would Sarah’s father like to drink?
5、After listen tothe tape ,student discuss the questions in group.
6、Students listenand follow the tape.
7、Students actout the dialogue.
Step 3 Consolidation
1.Role play:让学生仿照Let’s talk重新编写对话,四人一组练习。
2.创设情景:和朋友一起去吃自助餐,用What would you like to eat ?和 What would you like to drink ? 相互询问,表演对话。
Step 4 homework.
Step 5 Board writing
Unit 3 What would you likeA Let’s talk
I’m hungry. I’d like …
I’m thirsty. I’d like some…
What would you like to eat ?
I’d like …
What would you like to drink?
I’d like …
《What's Your favorite food》教案(二)
1、能够听说读写本课时四会句子:What do you have
for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes,tofu and fish.并使用该句型完成Group work中的问卷调查。
2、能够理解Read and write部分对话的含义并完成句子填空。
3、能够听懂、会唱歌曲“What do you have for lunch?”
能够听说读写本课时四会句子:What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have… 以及解释句子That
sounds good.
Step 1: warm-up
(1) Let’s chant,学生跟唱,复习巩固旧知
What would you like for lunch?
Cabbage, green beens or eggplant?
I’d like eggplant, please.
What would you like for lunch?
Mutton, tofu or beef?
I’ d like mutton, please.
(2)Let’s have a revision: 教师出示单词图片学生快速反应 pork tofu mutton potatoes cabbage tomatoes green beans fish
Step 2 :Presentation and practice
(1) Lead-in(谈话引入) T: What day is it today? What would you like for lunch?多提问几个学生
(呈现一份school menu.进行多种操练,让学生熟 悉此菜单) Here is a school menu. Let’ s see together. What do you have for lunch on Mondays? (引导学生回答)
(2)Let’s learn T: Look at the school menu.
What do you have for lunch on Mondays? S : Tomatoes, tofu and fish. 教师板书此句型,重点指导四会句子的认读和书写。 (通过师问生答,生问师答,男生问女生答,女生问男生答得方式练习) T: Look at the school menu. What do you have for lunch on Tuesdays? S: We have…… (引导学生用不同的食物单词替换,操练句型) T: I have many words, Who can use these words make new sentence? What you for Amy like dinner would ? 让学生排序
(3) Practice
安排学生一竖排进行互问互答 What would you like for dinner? I’d like …… (4) Listen, read and finish the sentences.
a. listen to the tape(引出课文对话,带问题听录音)
b. Read the dialogue(快速默读,画出难理解的句子)
c.Listen and read after the tape
听录音回答问题Let’s listen to the tape. ☆
What would you like for dinner, Amy?
d. Filling the blanks.
1.Amy has _______ ,______and ______ for lunch on Mondays.
2. Amy is hungry . She’d like ____and _________ for dinner.
Step: 3 Consolidation
Group work:Let’s make(不同类型学生分头进行小组活动.让学生根据一日三餐的话题,进行小组交流并制作一张菜单,根据自己制作的菜单做对话)
Group work(小组合作):
Make a new menu using the foods you have got, and show it .(用所学的食物单词制作一个新菜单,并用来造对话展示。)
S1:What do you have for lunch on Mondays?
S2:I have …… S1:What do you have for lunch on Tuesdays? S2: I have …… What about you? S1: I have …… 学生练习完对话后教师适时加以表扬,并借助手势和表情自然引出句子:That sounds good.
Step 4 :Homework: